Sunday, February 18, 2024

Peter John Graham


Ko wai au?

Tēnā koutou katoa,

My name is Peter, originally from Ōtepoti/Dunedin but grew up in Tauranga, now living in Wellington with my partner and two children, aged 14 and 12. We also have a cat named Jimmy, who is elderly and increasingly eccentric in his ways.

The honest reason I became an educator is that 13 years ago, when my first child was on her way to the world, I realised that my work as an ‘artist’ wasn’t really going to feed the family, so I reluctantly went off to teacher’s college.

This turned out to be a good move, and after completing the year I became an educator rather than a classroom teacher. I spent the next 8-9 years doing digital education as part of the Learning Experiences outside the classroom programme, teaching groups of visiting young people to make live-recorded television and digital art.
Since then I’ve moved into the tertiary space and now work as a developer of online teaching and learning. So it’s been fun and stimulating, and I haven’t had the overwhelming classroom experience that I got a taste of on teaching placement.

I think transformation in education is ongoing, as proven by the Covid 19 experience and now the rise of AI which is shaking up the online learning space somewhat. In many ways, transformation in education looks like keeping up with the changing nature of technology and the world!

I’m looking forward to this course, looking at my identity as an educator, and exploring alongside others how this informs my approach to developing teaching and learning for the modern age. 

Ngā mihi kia koutou katoa!

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